I have the amazing privilege of attending this DNA conference in Germany from May 8th to 20th. The founders of Ywam are speaking there, and we are driving there as a base, as I have mentioned before. This is a really unique opportunity to hear from these incredible people and to travel together to Bad Blankenburg.
I have also been asked to help plan out morning tea and snacks for 300-400 people there every morning during the conference with one of my leaders. Growing and learning in multiple ways while I am there. :)
I am still trusting for a little over $500 CAD to cover the travelling expenses, accommodation, and the conference itself. I would be so happy if you feel led to give towards this opportunity. Feel free to email me, stephaniebweiss@gmail.com, if you have any questions, or if you would like to give. You can also use the convenient "Donate" option to the right of this blog page.
(http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1f29a38807302b84e44bbe8d5&id=9bb13cbe65) |
"There is a simple truth about DNA: it is least altered the closest to its source of origin. DNA Infusion in Bad Blankenburg, Germany will be led by one of “the originals,” Darlene Cunningham, the co-founder of Youth With A Mission. And the other “original,” YWAM Founder Loren Cunningham, will be the other primary speaker! This is a wonderful blessing, as Loren is not able to be at all of the DNA events Darlene leads. David Hamilton, University of the Nation’s Vice President for Strategic Innovation, will be the third primary speaker. He also has an outstanding history of YWAM leadership, pioneering and innovation that spans more than three decades. David, Darlene and Loren are a wonderful trio of leadership wisdom."
I really appreciate the financial support as I really feel I am here as God has led me. It is growing me a lot to trust in His provision through the generosity of others. I pray that He will bless you one hundred fold from your generosity towards supporting me. It means so much.
Thank you!
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