I want to thank you again for supporting me on my DTS, as it was truly a life changing trip. I've been home since the end of June, working at Starbucks and currently getting my level 1 certification as a volleyball referee. I'm also back at UFV for my second semester studying for a BA in Global Development and a minor in French. When I write it down it sounds like a lot, and actually it is a lot. It's been super hard coming home from an amazing God-centered community, and being thrown back into university. At the end of my DTS I was really seeking out if I should stay in France and continue to serve at the base, whether I should pursue some other form of missions, or come home. And to be honest, God calling me to drop everything and move to South Africa would have almost been easier than coming back to Abbotsford, as that is just who He has made me to be. I'm not naturally drawn to be at home, it's not where I'm most comfortable. (Family I do love you.) Sounds cheesy, but I really do love the adventure of being in new places, being free of the responsibilities that home brings. (Don't we all!) But God is still the same God who was with me all throughout my Ywam experience, He is still speaking to me, still teaching me, still challenging me.
As much as I love the aspect of "adventure" in missions and in life, I really do love being in control of my "next step" and knowing where I am going next. That is something God has been teaching me to let go of, being able to listen and obey him step by step. I don't know whether I will finish my degree at UFV, whether I will transfer, whether I will study abroad, whether I will go back to France, etc etc the list goes on. I am learning to deal with my impatient heart, wanting Him to just tell me what to do already! I just know I need to be open-handed and willing to go where He is leading. There is a beautiful verse in Psalms 73 that reads, "Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny." The challenge is trusting that even with the restlesness of my heart, He is still holding my hand, still guiding me. And actually delighting in the process! (Ps 37: 23)
I think for me it's good to have short term goals, as I am just so eager to travel again. I want to finish this semester strong, first of all. I am really eager to get back into missions, but university is a real priviledge as well. I'm not saying univeristy is the be-all-end-all just like going back to Ywam isn't the be-all-end-all. I am just in love with Jesus and wherever He leads I will go! Step by step.
I miss my friends so much! I miss our Monday morning worship and tea, I miss walks into town with Kirsten and Shelby. I miss volleyball with Jesse! I miss the weekend baguette sandwiches! I miss Hanna and her loud hungarian skpe calls in our room, and us all hogging Jean-Pierre (our little heater) in the morning (If he burns out, just kick him and he starts back up). I miss Graham's animal impressions way too much. I even miss one-on-ones with Helena! :) Who couldn't miss our outdoor laundry machine, never really knowing if your clothes will dry, or what setting even dries them?! I miss doing the dishes upstairs, getting locked in the pantry by your "friends", don't get me started on lectures. I'm so thankful for Ywam Biarritz and the community I lived with for 6 months. I could say so much more!
I am praying for another opportunity to go back to Biarritz. At the base they have an awesome outreach during the summer! It focuses on reaching out to the young people in Biarritz during the summer. The high intake of young people that come to party and surf make great opportunities for the base to meet people and share the love of God. I have heard many good things and I'm praying that I will be able to go this summer! I will keep you posted on how that progresses. But I am willing to jump on a flight and head back there in a second. ;)
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever..
Psalm 136:1